
Attention: We are only allowed to share information about individual connections with the current resident. If you are writing from a different email address than the one you reported to studierendenwerk, or if you are subletting the room, please include a scan of your signed lease as an attachment.

If you are not yet a tenant, please do not hesitate to contact us. Just write to the lan-tutors of the residence that appeals to you most.

fair · Nieder-Ramstädter Straße 122-128A

Accommodationservice: fair@stwda.de
Lan-Tutors: netztutoren-lichtwiese@whm.stwda.de

Karlshof · Alfred-Messel-Weg 4, 6-10 D

Accommodationservice: karlshof@stwda.de
Lan-Tutors: netztutoren-karlshof@whm.stwda.de

LAB · Berliner Allee 6, 6A, 6B, 6C

Accommodationservice: lab@stwda.de
Lan-Tutors: netztutoren-stadtmitte@whm.stwda.de

Lux · Nieder-Ramstädter-Straße 187–191A

Accommodationservice: lux@stwda.de
Lan-Tutors: netztutoren-lichtwiese@whm.stwda.de

Nieder-Ramstädter-Straße 179-183A

Accommodationservice: nieder-ramstaedter-strasse@stwda.de
Lan-Tutors: netztutoren-lichtwiese@whm.stwda.de

re_st · Riedeselstraße 62-64

Accommodationservice: riedeselstrasse@stwda.de
Lan-Tutors: netztutoren-stadtmitte@whm.stwda.de

Poststraße 1

Accommodationservice: poststrasse@stwda.de
Lan-Tutors: netztutoren-stadtmitte@whm.stwda.de

Studentendorf · Lichtenwiesenweg 9, Haus 1-4

Accommodationservice: studentendorf@stwda.de
Lan-Tutors: netztutoren-lichtwiese@whm.stwda.de